Press release – UN Mission in Colombia. Extraction of arms caches

1 Sep 2017

Press release – UN Mission in Colombia. Extraction of arms caches

Bogotá, September 1 - 2017 – In accordance with the decision taken by the Government and the FARC-EP yesterday, August 31, to extend until September 15 the deadline for extraction of arms caches, the UN Mission confirms that it will continue with its verification operations of the process.

This extension will allow advancing in the extraction of the arms caches informed by the FARC-EP amounting to 957. To date the UN Mission has verified the successful extraction of 640 arms caches.

Finally, the UN Mission recognizes the FARC-EP commitment to the location and dismantling of the arms caches, as well as the support of the Armed Forces and the National Police to carry out these operations.
